Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Snow Thrower

When Bob returned from Afghanistan, the first thing we did is go out and buy a snow thrower. They used to be called snow blowers, but I think the name was changed after that joke about the snowman being happy to see the snow blower.

He was like a kid setting it up and excited for the first snow to fall where he could use it. An hour after setting it up, we had a cord of firewood delivered. Bob moved both cars out of the garage so the rather simple man who sells this wood would not do any damage to our vehicles. The wood man backed his pickup full of wood into our garage for unloading. He swung his door open and whack--hit the brand new snow thrower. The simple man's girlfriend (who I originally thought was his son) said, "Gee, looks like we just bought a snowblower." (she apparently is not aware they are now called snow throwers.) Bob's jaw clenched, but we just let it go.

The first snow he used it on was not enough to satisfy him, so he did our walk and driveway and then the street in front of our house and cleared all around the mailbox. In the two weeks we've had the snow thrower, it has snowed all the time. Bob has kept our driveway clear and also did our neighbors' house three times while they were gone. He ripped up one extension cord that lit our outdoor Christmas decorations when he ran over it. The next extension cord he replaced that one with is missing and I fear the same happened to it. The snow banks are so high that the Christmas decorations are buried where all I can see is the star that topped the tree. I guess that will all be found in the spring.

When we came home from our visit to New Hampshire, Bob said that he hoped there was snow. And there was, before he unpacked his suitcase, he was out there clearing the driveway. Last night we had another inch and he's out there again with his new toy. Bob's brother suggested that we clear a spot on the lake and make a skating rink. I know it's only a matter of time until I see Bob out there, guess I need to dig out my skates.

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