Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another haunted house

When I was growing up, I was terrified of the attic and the basement. When going into either, I made a lot of noise to scare away the ghosts or murderers that may linger there.

My bedroom was on the second floor, off the attic. So, when I went to bed at night, I'd run past the attic and then when I got to my room I would turn the light off and jump from the light switch to my bed. That prevented anyone lurking under the bed from catching my foot as I crawled into bed. I guess I never thought about why that person would just sleep under my bed and wait for only a foot.

I was convined there were vampires, so I slept every night with the sheet up around my neck. You may laugh, but that sheet kept my neck pristine. Not one bite mark.

I was also afraid that Sampson, the gorilla from the Milwaukee Zoo, would escape and come to my house. I imagined he'd swing from the cherry tree into my bedroom window. So, in the summer, I would only raise the window a few inches to keep him out.

Last night, I was alone in the old mansion I now live in. It was a stormy night and I had the windows open only a few inches. The wind howled through the windows and the doors kept slamming and rattling. I even heard footsteps. I just hoped there would not be a tornado because I was too frightened to go into the basement. At one point, the room turned really hot, I think that was a spirit crossing over me. Or maybe a hot flash.

Thank God I learned a lot of coping techniques when I was a child. First, I kept my eyes tightly closed so I wouldn't see the horrors that awaited me. Next, I was able to gain courage and turn the TV on really loud (funny shows only) and finally, I was brave enough to get out of bed to close the windows.

Somewhere, late into the morning, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt like a fool. Or maybe a child.


Kim said...

I am right there with you - I always knew that the murderer was coming in thru the upstairs window and the man living in the attic had a peg leg he would drag around. Don't every leave your socks on the floor because they turn into snakes when the lights go off.

Kim said...

I also remember the night that the UFO were landing in West Milwaukee - you may be laughing, but I am the one that found the chip implanted in my neck a few years later.

Kim said...

One more thing...adding to the tension of sleeping with a man with a wooden leg in the attic, while snakes slithered around on the floor (I wonder what the guy hiding under the bed thought of the snakes when he was waiting to grab your ankle?),it did not help that we could not afford screens on the windows so when we opened the windows that weren't painted shut the real bats would fly in - thank God for the West Milwaukee police - they really did not mind the screaming calls because there was a bat in the house.

Criztina said...

it has been a while since you made me laugh..needing some of that!

Criztina said...
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