Wednesday, November 19, 2008

3 blind mice

We were working in the basement at Leo's today, and found more survival food in big cans. This will end up as chicken feed for Allen's chickens. I wonder if there is any impact on the taste of a chicken who has been raised on 15 year old dehydrated chicken. (ever hear of chicken-fed chicken?)

As we were clearing out the trash down there, live mice came running out. I am so lucky they did not run up my pants leg. Maybe my screaming saved me. These mice came out right near one of those plug in devices that is a rodent repeller. So, take note--those things are a joke. I could have heard the mice laughing, except my screams were echoing in my head.

After that horror, I went and worked upstairs while Allen and his son finished up in the creepy basement.

Other than trying to get Leo's stuff sold off (need any antiques or guns or a composting toilet???), I am planning Bob's welcome home party. All the cast of characters from here will be invited. It will be crazy!

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