Monday, November 10, 2008

Girls Night Out

My two sisters, Kim and Ellen, and friends, Judy and Lauren came up for a girls’ weekend. We laughed, partied, went to a casino and lost, and shook this little town up. Three of our new friends said they never had so many laughs.

Then we talked and talked until 2 in the morning. Lauren told stories about her kids, who are teens. Her son was busted with two other boys riding a bicycle built for three wearing nothing but shirts that said “Thing 1” “Thing 2” and “Thing 3.” We died laughing, cause that is exactly the kind of thing Lauren did as a kid.

Then we reminisced about growing up in a blue collar community.

Lauren remembered how my old boyfriend gave me chocolates in a heart shaped box for Valentine's Day and we ate them and then decided to fill the box with dog turds and put it on the porch of a neighbor we didn’t like and ring the bell and run. Well, it was February in Wisconsin so the dog poop was frozen. It was quite a job to chip it out of the snow. Then we felt the impact of frozen dog poop in a candy box wasn’t too much, so we baked it in mom’s oven to thaw it. We sure did punish that neighbor.

I told Kim and Lauren that I had just written a blog for Sports Byline that told of them taking the deer head to the convent and doorbelling. They reminded me of something I had forgotten when I wrote the blog, that they also left the deer legs there. They planted the head in the snow, then the deer legs sticking up, then they doorbelled and ran. It’s no wonder St. Florian’s no longer has a grade school.

My sister Ellen teaches high school and talked about some of the stunts her students pull and stupid things they do. One of them has a horrible MySpace page, so we looked it up. In it, he does the Febreeze dance, but we had a hard time finding it as he doesn’t know how to spell breeze. His dance was disturbing, but had drawn almost 3,000 viewers. I asked Ellen how she kept control of her sons, one of whom is 15. She said she had all kinds of spyware set up and that when he goes to bed at night, she checks out all his searches, text messages, and web site visits. At this point, most of them have to do with Angelena Jolie.

Then Kim talked about a local town that has a very rich upper class group of students and also students who are very poor and how tough that high school must be for the poor kids. They have to watch their classmates arrive to school in BMWs. Judy confirmed that the very poor are bussed in because they are incredible athletes and they help the school stay on top of sports in Wisconsin.

We decided that we were glad we all went to West Milwaukee high school and didn’t have that rich man/poor man divide. We also all felt that although we had some weird people in our high school, they were very few.

We were all American high school students. WeMiHi had a handful of pot smokers and a couple of loose girls and that was our scandal to live with.

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